haha...da la bgn lmbt..
pastu smbng lak tido smpai tgh hari..*apa nk jadi ni!!!
knonnya nk bgn awl nk ulang2 blk sket2 yg da bc tu..
tp cam besa...angan2 tnggal angan2 ja la kn..
smpai abah beleter pnjang tgh hari td bru bgn nk siap2..
hoho...(sgt teruk la saya)
abh siap ugut tamau bwak p ujian lg...hoho..
nseb baik mak tadak...btw mak p tgk syitoh(spupu) lwn tilawah..
kalo tak lg pnjng la dgr cramah kmbinasi 2 panel yg hbat..hehe..
mmg nerves abeh la td nk amik ujian..haha..
mcm la nk amik spm..hoho..
dan alhamdulillah...aku llus..hehe..
48/50...ok la kan..
slah 1 kat sec B lg 1 kat sec A...
hehe..kmbang2...*apalagi cpat la ucap taniah...hehe..
yeeaahhhh...lpas ni bole bwat teori prak da..
yiihhhaa...da smakn hmpir ke arah L....ngee~bru L..
okeyhh..suda cita psal lesen...
lpas blk tu igt smpat tgk she wolf...
alih2 abh lak sngah sana,,,snggah sini beli brng2 dpor..
adeeiiihhh....telepas lg..
huk3...tak dpt tatap kanda noah hr ni..
apa la da jd..lyka da confess ke blom kat noah..
tlg2 sapa yg tgk..tlg cita blk...huhu..
da dkat2 kol 5 bru smpai umah..
mak da blk...syitoh dpt no 3...ok la tu..pringkat negeri..
okeyhh..jum bwat tag special dr linn...ngeh3!!
Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, andtag five people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1..2...3...go !!!!
Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and
1..2...3...go !!!!
What is ur name: ZAA'IMAH
A four letter word: ZUZA(haha sb td abh aku bwk jln2 kat klang zuza..ngeh3..)
A boys name:ZAC EFRON(mata dia sgt cntk..huhu..)
A girl's name: zoe(adk noah mrangkp bkal adk iparku jua..haha)
An occupation: zoologist
Something you'll wear:ZAEM'S COLLECTION(bkal berada d psaran tak lama lg..harap mklum)^_*
A type of food: zwinger burger(btol x nama burger kfc tu..da lama x mkn la)
Something found in the bathroom: ZABUN,,ZAMPOO,,ZERUS(hah ambik kaw nk sgt..hehe)
A reason for being late:zzzzzzzz(tadak sbb len la...msti la sbb tido)
Something u'd shout:ZAIZAIZAIZAIZAIZAIZAI(rentak ikt lagu ogy n cockroach)
Something you drink: ZUMO DE LIMA(lime juice in spanish..hbat tak..hahaha)
A musical group : taktau..huhu(muka innocent)
An animal: ZEBRA lerr
A type of car:mna ada!!!!
A type of fruit:ZUCCHINI(pnat aku menggoogle)
I tag : sapa2 ja la...yg rjn tdak keja nk bwat..sila2 la isi masa lpang anda bwat mnda ni yerr..hehe..tima ksih la lin sbb mewajibkan aku bwat tag ni..huhu..soalan ujian statik td lg snang..hahahha...
mmg ak nk 'myiksa' ag..
sbb ak taw nama ag start Z!hahahha
zumo de lima??ni msttt beria googleee!!hahah..
lastly..tahniah lulusss testttt!^_^
hahaha...ak sdia mnyahut cbaran ag lin..ngeh3~`
ada yg lg mncabar x..haha..(glak riak)
n for ur information ak msuk klas spanish doe..haha....
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